Friday, August 6, 2010

What a week

A week of exercise, working, socializing and apparently overeating. I am not sure. The scale won't move. The clothes are not feeling as loose as they used to feel. I am still getting kudos on the way I look but still it is not showing in the numbers. I shall overcome this plateau.

First thing I have to do is stop eating at night. It is amazing how many calories you can consume just nibbling on stuff. I have to either stop it or get some veggies to nibble on. I normally eat a handful of pretzels or a couple of low fat graham crackers. Not too bad but still adding calories. I also have to start eating later so I won't be hungry to nibble so late at night. If I am hungry before dinner I can move around and do things to keep my mind off of it. At 10 or 11 o'clock it is my lazy time. :)

When I joined back on they set up an exercise regime for me. MWF is cardio and TRS is core. I try to do them on the days they state but sometimes I will add cardio to my core days or vice versa.

The cardio can be anything I want but they have suggested core exercises: crunches, crunches with a twist, leg curls, tricep dips, one leg squats and modified push-ups. Ahhhhh the lovely modified push-up. Any push-up is like a death sentence to me. Seriously, that means I have to lift my body weight up and down 15 times TWICE......MY BODY WEIGHT. So there I am on the floor, knees bent, straight as a board and hands planted on either side of me. I am looking at the carpet knowing it is not going to be soft enough to save me. I see rug burns and a broken nose in my future. Down...a half inch....breath out (whoosh)....up....a half inch. Oh good Lord, that was only one. I have to do two reps of 15. Half inch down...half inch up.....half inch down....half inch up. My arms are shaking and getting all wobbly. Just to lift myself up and down a half inch. I pray every time I have make the trip back towards the carpet a half inch that my arms don't give in and introduce my face to the floor. After the first 15 I am thinking there ain't no way in all of God's green earth I can do another set of 15. But I make myself do the next 15.....half inch at a time while breathing and praying.

That was a couple of weeks ago. I am proud to say I noticed the other day while doing my push-ups I am now taking myself a third of the way down. So I have added some inches to my push-ups. I still pray each time but I am not giving up until I can do a full push-up. So if my arms do give out then it won't be so detrimental to my face because I will be closer to the floor.

Well, today is cardio day so I need to get out there and get my heart rate up and burn calories. I am hoping one day soon (by next Friday) it will show on the scale again.


Blog out!

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